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Album Accord [Publié le 2013-08-27 16:58:03]

Retour à Commentaires sur ma page du site jamendo avant que je dépose toute ma musique à la Sacem entre 2016 et 2017 et que je ferme cette page [jamendo pro] fin 2017



Julien Boulier is an artist who creates music that I can listen to all day . . . and fortunately he has given so many of his albums to Jamendo . . . hours and hours of sweet listening . . . a piano so expressive and divine . .. sounds well combined to enhance the ambient sensations that music produces . . . these are spectacular as usual . . music to use in videos or enjoy as background music . . . lovely and relaxing, so I like to listen to these while I daydream . . . or fly into the deepest sky .. . .
 • 28.07.2012 12:39

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